1. General
This is the most recent Terms of Service agreement as of January, 11 2019.
- By purchasing any services from us through our website or through a Clonefluence, Inc. representative, you agree to all of the following terms. No contract is needed for approval since this should be read by clientele prior.
- If you do not wish to accept all terms listed then please do not accept this agreement and thereby do not buy any social media marketing services from us.
- Any further changes or modifications can replace all former agreements.
- We do not tolerate harassment or hateful terms towards our company's employees or other clientele, this will lead to a service being stopped and blockage of contact from you whether a service has been purchased or not. We take harassment and bullying very seriously.
- If there are any contradictions with anything that has something to do with our website, and/or our Terms of Service, the Terms of Service rules are always right and applicable. Even if another page (1) on our website states something that is contradictory to our Terms of Service, the information on the other page (1) is not observed. Instead, the Terms of Service on our website is always right.
2. Services
- Our services will only be used for promotional purposes on specified social media platforms, namely YouTube, Spotify, Instagram, SoundCloud, Facebook, Twitter, Apple Music, and Twitch.
- Each service we provide has a 2-3 day processing timeframe for us to organize the marketing strategy, so please do not ask us to rush a process. After 2-3 days of processing, the service will be in progress, also known as the delivery phase, to achieve results.
- Our processing phase for orders are not the same as the delivery phase. All timeframes for deliveries per service differ due to what has been purchased from us, content being promoted, current niche, starting engagement, and more.
- You will not upload anything into this service's rotation that includes nudity or any material that is not accepted or suitable according to the specific social media guidelines.
- Clonefluence services may result in a complete stoppage without a refund due to violating our service guidelines or tarnishing our image.
- Clonefluence may halt progression of social media and music services at any time due to inconsistencies such as no content being released or campaign instructions not being followed.
- We have the right to reject any content from diminishing our agency's image.
- You shall not knowingly exploit our tactics if you are associated with us in any way, shape, or form.
- The services may deliver later than the planned date, if given one. Our staff may reach and ask for more time to complete your service if needed. This can be completely normal. Late delivery does not mean you will get a refund.
- You will only use this website/services in a manner which follows all agreements made with respective social media website (on their Terms of Service page).
- Clonefluence, Inc., in no way, is held responsible for drops of followers, likes, streams, or view counts after our services have been completed. This could happen for a variety of reasons such as content being published, inconsistent posts or updates. We have to abide by the platform's Terms of Service.
- Services that include purchasing a number of engagements from our shop are targeted amounts. These are not guaranteed amounts. Depending on the platform and content provided, we always do our best to target your desired reach.
- If a service does not suit you while in progress, we can organize a substitute service with something of equal monetary value within two weeks of starting point.
3. Payment
- You agree that upon purchase or purchases, you clearly understand and agree to what you are purchasing and will not file a fraudulent dispute via bank.
- After a period of one week, you can not statethat the item received is not as described by us.
- Upon a fraudulent attempt to file a dispute, claim, unauthorized transaction or chargeback, we grant the right, if necessary, you allow us to take legal actions against you.
- By purchasing anything from this entity or entity representative, you agree your bank's Terms of Service.
4. Payment Plans
- If you decide to use our "buy now, pay later" function at checkout from Afterpay, then you agree to Afterpay's Terms of Service and will pay your loan back to their financial company.
- If Clonefluence customizes a payment plan for you without the use of a financial company, you agree to pay the full amount for your service. If you do not make the payments at the appropriate and agreed timeframe, then your campaign will be discontinued with our agency. No refund will be eligible for the down payment amount.
5. Privacy Policy
- This policy covers how we use your personal information. We take your privacy seriously and take all measures to protect your personal information.
- Any personal information received will only be used to fill your order. We will not sell or redistribute your information to anyone.
- We do not make use of cookies.
6. Refund Policy
- By agreeing to our Terms of Service, you agree that no partial or full refunds will be issued for any services, no matter what the circumstances may be.
- An equal monetary valued service can be substituted within the two weeks of initial purchase if you are not satisfied or obtaining website credit for future endeavors.
- You may choose to opt out of services completely as well without a refund. We work very hard for our clientele and would love to help you grow continuously.
7. Usage
- By using our services and/or website you agree to this agreement and you are at least 13 years of age or have consent from a legal guardian.
8. Copyright/Trademark
- You will in no way copy any programming, text, or images used on the Clonefluence website without the written consent of a Clonefluence representative.
- Using this entity name and likeliness can alert us a trademark breach.
9. Liabilities
- Clonefluence, Inc. and/or any persons being part of this service, are in no way liable for, any account suspension, photo deletion and/or strike done by any platform as well as negative comments, votes, messages, etc.
10. Disclaimer
- Clonefluence, Inc. will not be responsible for any damages to you or your business which may lead to suffering.
- There are no guarantees of any kind, expressed or implied for the services we provide, every client's growth is different based on their consistency.
- Marketing campaigns require clients to work hard on their craft. If the client doesn't work on content creation, lacks communication, and/or fails to interact in our network then Clonefluence has the right to remove clients from the roster completely without a refund of any sort.
- Since Clonefluence uses the internet to deliver services, we cannot guarantee up time or availability of our website because of our host.
11. Change of Terms
- This Terms of Service is subject to change at any time.
- Notices of change will be considered given and effective on the date posted on our website.
- The changes made will become effective the date they are posted on our website.
- No further notice by Clonefluence are required upon your continued use of our website.
- All information above applies to all services we offer, even if it is not listed in the service description.
12. Arbitrary Notice
- If you wish to take any legal action against Clonefluence, Inc. for any reason whatsoever then it must be held in a court of law location of our entity's choice.
- Any and all claims, disputes, or controversies of any nature whatsoever shall be resolved by binding arbitration before a single arbitrator.
- You agree that any arbitration proceeding will only consider Your Claims. Claims by, or on behalf of, other individuals will not be arbitrated in any proceeding that is considering Your Claims.
- You understand that you will not have the right to go to court except as provided above and to have a jury trial or to participate as any member of a class action claimants to any Claim.
- Under this notice, you waive your right to seek relief in a judicial forum.
13. Class Action Waiver
- You agree by purchasing a service from Clonefluence, Inc. that you or any group you may represent, will not participate in any class action claims against us or our representatives.
- You must file any claim against us individually, and you expressly waive your ability to bring, represent, join or otherwise maintain a class action, collective action or similar proceeding against us in any forum.
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